Fees include
- All tuition in Czech and English.
- School materials including compulsory text books (in paper and electronic form).
- Day trips forming part of the school curriculum.
- Three-day induction at the start of Class 1.
- Class trip at the end of the school year.
- After-school club.
- Some afternoon clubs led by Compass teachers.
- Travel to PE venues.
Fees do not include
- Recommended reading and some supplementary textbooks.
- Compulsory residential trips (e.g. skiing week, spring or summer school in the countryside, swimming week). The cost of these trips depends on location and accommodation, to be confirmed.
- After-school activities, especially those taught by external teachers (e.g. recorder, Lego)
- The services of a career advisor (a specialist who advises individual parents on the choice of a senior school).
- Other professional services, including psychologist, speech therapist and individual student assistant where necessary.
- School uniform.
- Meals.